‘Be Golden’ Staff Member of the Week: Officer Bub

Ava McCracken

Officer Robert “Bub” Dick is this week’s Golden teacher/staff member of the week.

The “Be Golden” award is a new faculty and staff recognition program at the high school.

This award is given weekly by a faculty/staff member to another faculty/staff member. Whoever receives the trophy on Friday is responsible for awarding it to someone else the following week. The only criteria are to give it to someone who has done something to make the school a better place.

“With the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative in our school, we want to not only recognize students for being golden but staff members as well,” said Shannon Davis, the award program coordinator. “This is a way to personally thank people we work with every day, but don’t always have the chance to show them how much they are appreciated.”    

Last week the award went to Tammy Delbaggio.

Delbaggio chose to give the award to Officer Robert “Bub” Dick.  Here’s what she had to say about Officer Bub:

“Bub is our school Police Officer. He has many responsibilities, making sure traffic runs smoothly before and after school, providing security for all after school activities and being the School Police officer. Bub can always be seen giving “fist bumps” and always with a smile on his face and positive attitude. He has also been known to sing a song or two ( but he only knows the first line to any song. ?). Thank you for always keeping our schools safe and for always having a positive attitude.

The Eagle Eye interviewed Officer Bub about being this week’s award winner:

Eagle Eye: What do you enjoy most about Tyrone?

Officer Bub: “The mountains and scenery that surround us. Also, I think that the majority of the people in Tyrone are a very close-knit community and for the most part very kind and compassionate.”

EE: What do you do in your free time?

OB: “I hang out with my family and friends. In the summer, I go on my boat at Lake Raystown.”

EE: How has Tyrone and the atmosphere impacted your life?

OB: “In a very positive way. I’ve lived here all my life and would not want to be anywhere else.”

EE: Is this your dream job?

OB: “Yes, I have had several jobs in my life, but this job gives me the opportunity to impact the students’ lives that I come in contact with every day in a positive way. Hopefully, I make a difference in their lives.”