Athletes of the Week: Devon Brown and Sage Dixon

Anna Baran

Juniors Sage Dixon and Devon Brown


Grade: 11

Accomplishments:  Juniors Sage Dixon and Devon Brown both won all their matches and took first place at the season opening Conemough Township Tournament and both won their opening two matches of the dual meet season.

10 Questions:

1. How did you first get involved in this sport?

Sage Dixon: “In second grade. My dad wanted me to go out for it.”

Devon Brown: “My family was always into wrestling and I figured I’d try it out my third grade year.”

2. What other sport(s) do you play?

SD: “None.”

DB: “Football.”

3. Favorite professional sports team?

SD: “Pittsburgh Steelers.”

DB: “New Orleans Saints.”

4. Favorite professional athlete?

SD: “Antonio Brown.”

DB: “David Taylor.”

5. Who is your hero? Why?

SD: “AJ Shoppe, because he shows how hard work and determination can make someone from a small town do big things.”

DB: “My brother Tyler, because he influences me to be a better person everyday. Also, he sets high goals for himself and me to achieve and have a better life.”

6. Favorite band/musician?

SD: “Foo Fighters.”

DB: “Drake.”

7. Favorite movie?

SD: “Taken.”

DB: “The Blind Side and Transformer movies.”

8. Favorite food?

SD: “Steak.”

DB: “Ham Pot Pie.”

9. What advice would you give younger athletes?

SD: “Work hard and put in the extra time to achieve your goals.”

DB: “Practice hard, put time in and don’t give up.”

10. What are your future goals?

SD: “Make it to states in wrestling and place in Districts.”

DB: “I would like to win a district title in wrestling. Go to college and get a degree while wrestling at Penn State.