Athlete of the Week: Olivia Watson

Olivia Watson has been cheering since she was in 7th grade.

Name: Olivia Watson

Sport: Cheerleading

Grade: 12


She earned UCA All- American during her sophomore, junior, and senior year. She was also the JV cheer captain for her sophomore year.

Coach Amy Fleck’s quote: 

“Liv is a focused and dedicated cheerleader. Her tumbling and flying skills have been an asset to our team. She’s been a great mentor to the underclassmen. It’s been a pleasure getting to work with her this year.”

Eagle Eye: How did you first get involved in this sport?

OW: “I was involved with gymnastics and a friend told me to try out in 7th grade because I could do flips, and I’ve been hooked ever since”

EE: What other sports do you play?

OW: “None, cheer is my life”

EE: Favorite sports team?


EE: Favorite professional athlete?

OW: “Simone Biles”

EE: Favorite Food?

OW: “Anything Mexican”

EE: What is your favorite part of the sport you play?

OW: “I love working with the younger girls and inspiring them to cheer and try new things”

EE: What is your greatest memory from this sport?

OW: “Watching the varsity girls when I was in JH and wanting to be just like them”

EE: What is your greatest motivation to succeed?

OW: “I just pray I don’t die when tumbling and when I’m stunting, the people below me do all the work so I just act pretty”

EE: What advice would you give younger athletes?

OW: “Trust those you work with and don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone when trying new skills”

EE: What are your future goals?

OW: “Attend Juniata College and major in Chemistry or Biology and pursue Pre-Medicine. I also will probably cheer for the college as well. #GOEAGLES”