Athlete of the Week: Natalie Berrena-Barr
Name: Natalie Berrena-Barr
Sport: Dance
Grade: 11
She received first place out of 40 on her first solo dance. Not only that, but Berrena-Barr was invited to participate in a dance Olympics in Germany. She has also received invitations to join national dance teams and participate in national conventions. Along with those honors, the talented junior has achieved a number of platinum awards for her performances. Platinum is the highest award in dance. All in all, Berrena-Barr is one spectacular dancer.
Eagle Eye: How did you first get involved in this sport?
Natalie Berrena-Barr: “I always loved tap and pointe dancers so I wanted to be one”
EE: What other sports do you play?
NB: “I don’t play any other sports”
EE: Favorite sports team?
NB: “I don’t have one”
EE: Favorite professional athlete?
NB: “Micahel Dameski”
EE: Favorite Food?
NB: “Spaghetti”
EE: What is your favorite part of the sport you play?
NB: “I get to express myself and put emotion into my dances”
EE: What is your greatest memory from this sport?
NB: “Winning awards and knowing I did the best I could”
EE: What is your greatest motivation to succeed?
NB: “Making my dance teachers proud and hopefully being a role model to younger dancers”
EE: What advice would you give younger athletes?
NB: “If what you are doing makes you happy, keep doing it!”
EE: What are your future goals?
NB: “To go further into Dance”

Hi, my name is Ava Focht. This is my first year of Eagle Eye and I am a senior here at Tyrone. I am a four year veteran in POPS Extension and Drama Club....