Athlete of the Week: Kaleb Sweitzer 

By Dravyn Crowell, Staff Writer

Name: Kaleb Sweitzer 

Sport: Golf

Grade: Freshman

Accomplishments: Kaleb shot career a low 85 at Sinking Valley against Hollidaysburg. 

EE: How did you first get involved in this sport?

KS: “Some of my family members play.”

EE: Favorite professional athlete?

KS: “Jordan Speith.”

EE: Who do you admire most? Why?

KS: “I admire my dad the most because he is a good golfer and he taught me everything i know.”

EE: Favorite movie?

KS: “Top Gun Maverick.”

EE: Favorite food?

KS: “Wings and fries.”

EE: What advice would you give younger athletes?

KS: “Find something you really enjoy and work hard at it.”

EE: What are your future goals?

MF: “To average an 85 or lower by my senior year.”