Name: Gracie Pluebell
Sport: Wrestling
Grade: 12
Accomplishments: Gracie has had a very impressive career. The most impressive thing about her is she was the first girl wrestler to ever wrestle for Tyrone. It is not the easiest thing to go out knowing you are wrestling a guy most of the time. She picked up a few wins in her career which is not easy to do. Congratulations Gracie!
Eagle Eye: How did you first get involved in this sport?
GP: My brother was joking around and goes you would enjoy it. Since 9th grade I’ve loved it.
EE: What other sports do you play?
GP: None
EE: Favorite sports team?
GP: None
EE: Favorite professional athlete?
GP: Stevan Micic
EE: Who is your hero? Why?
GP: My brother, he always pushes me to do my best. And he never made me go to regionals alone.
EE: Favorite band/musician?
GP: Tate Mcrae
EE: Favorite movie/show?
GP: Iron Man
EE: Favorite food?
GP: Chicken Alfredo
EE: What advice can you give to younger athletes?
GP: It might be hard mentally and physically but don’t give up.
EE: What are your future goals?
GP: I’m going to schooling to get my EMT license. And continue with volunteer firefighting.
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