Athlete of the Week: Andrew Ferguson

Name: Andrew Ferguson

Sport: Golf

Grade: 12


Ferguson is a three-time Mountain league MVP. He was part of the conference team champions for the 2nd year in a row. The team’s record was 27-1 this year.

The outstanding senior was the winner of the wheeling invitational at Sunneuhanna Country Club. On top of that, he was a low qualifier at the sectional qualifier.

Ferguson took 3rd place as a district qualifier and is advancing to regionals on October 15th. His scoring average for the season (league) is 72 with a low round being 68.

Eagle Eye: How did you first get involved in this sport?

Andrew Ferguson: “My whole family plays and I just followed suit”

EE: What other sports do you play?

AF: “Basketball”

EE: Favorite sports team?

AF: “Steelers”

EE: Favorite professional athlete?

AF: “Tim Tebow”

EE: Favorite Food?

AF: “Steak”

EE: What is your favorite part about the sport?

AF: “When I don’t make mistakes”

EE: What is your greatest memory from this sport?

AF: “Winning a D6 Championship last year”

EE: What is your greatest motivation to succeed?

AF: “Living up to my family name”

EE: What advice would you give younger athletes?

AF: “Act like a champion”

EE: What are your future goals?

AF: “Play college and hopefully professional”