Senior Alivia Anderson and junior Brayden Parsons have been serving as student representatives to the Tyrone Area School Board for the 2024-2025 school year.
Student board representatives attend every Tyrone Area School Board meeting and represent the students’ voices to the board.
Parsons and Anderson provide the board with information by reporting on things going on at the high school from the students. This gives the board an inside eye into how high school students feel and what they experience.
“I was called upon by Mr. Packer and I couldn’t turn down the opportunity. I get to give inside information to the board which helps our school improve,” said junior Brayden Parsons.
The student representatives do not get to vote on issues discussed in the board meetings, however, they provide a student perspective for the board when making decisions that impact the students.
“Mr. Packer stopped and asked me one day and I’ve been doing it ever since. I think it’s important for the board to hear from students and learn about what’s going on inside of the school,” said Anderson.
According to board member Kris Laird, the student representatives provide the board with a unique perspective to the inner happenings in the high school.
Laird said that the board does consider the student’s opinions when making decisions that directly impact the student body.
“Liv and Brayden have shared details regarding student fundraising efforts, community service endeavors, school-related activities such as sporting events, music and drama productions, Homecoming, club activities, Prom, etc. which helps keep the members of the board informed of culture of the student body, as well as academic happenings such as scheduling, dual-enrollment course selection, financial aid, college readiness sessions, and career events,” Laird said.
Board member Heidi Howard thinks the student’s voice is key to getting updates on current high school activities.
“Alivia and Brayden have strong communication skills, are knowledgeable about school events, exhibit Eagle Pride school spirit, and are positive role models for all students at Tyrone Area High School,” Howard said.
Any student with questions or concerns about issues in the school can contact Parsons or Anderson, and they will then address those issues at the board meeting.
Any student entering 11 or 12 grade next year interested in becoming a representative for the 2025-2026 school year can contact High School Principal Chad Packer.