One of Tyrone’s newest clubs got its start when current eighth-grade student Genevieve Naylor saw a student being bullied and decided that she wanted to do something about it.
“I was sitting at lunch and I saw a group of kids kick a special education student out of their table,” said Naylor, who was a sixth grader at the time. “I went home and told my dad about it and he helped me come up with the idea of an all-inclusive club.”
Naylor’s dad, Kerry, is a Tyrone grad and current Bellwood High School English teacher. He was familiar with a similar organization that exists at Bellwood.

The Naylors took the idea to Tyrone High School special education teacher Shannon Davis, who helped to make the club a reality in the spring of 2021.
When considering a name for the new club, Genevieve said she wanted one that represented everyone. She credits her mom for coming up with “All Eagles.”
According to Davis, the All Eagles Club provides an opportunity for students of all backgrounds and ability levels to come together and hang out, get to know each other, and have one another’s back in and out of school.
Davis says that All Eagles has already had a big impact on her students and others throughout the school.
“Going into our third year, we have already seen a positive impact made on the students in the district. Students are able to feel [like they are] a part of a group that accepts all students and acknowledges each other’s differences in a positive way,” Davis said.
The group usually meets after school. Genevieve Naylor says that her favorite activities are doing puzzles, watching movies, playing basketball, decorating cookies, and participating in the YAN Halloween Event.
Tyrone teacher Sarah Latchford, who is also an adviser for the club, would like to see the club grow in numbers and activities in the coming year.
One of the most exciting additions this year is getting the club involved in a unified bocce ball league.
Bocce is a sport in which players compete to roll balls as close to a target ball as possible.
“We are incorporating bocce ball in this group, and I believe we will compete with other schools this year. I am very excited to be a part of this,” Latchford said. “Our goal is to keep this group active and involved for the school year.”
Sophomore Piper Myers says that being involved in a group that promotes inclusion and not being judged is an amazing feeling.
Middle school teacher Zach Soellner is filling in for Davis as an adviser while she is off for maternity leave. He is looking forward to being a part of the group.
“I am excited to introduce myself to new faces. This club will also be a great way to introduce Bocce Ball. This sport is great for inclusion,” Soellner said.
Soellner has several goals for All Eagles for the upcoming year, but his top priority is to maintain the group’s all-inclusive mission and policies.
“The main goal is to include some students who may not be involved in a lot of events or clubs. This club will be a great way for these students to be included as well as connect with others. I plan to work with the group of students we have in this group to create ideas for activities that we could do. The goal is to create a club that is student-driven,” Soellner said.
Naylor said All Eagles would be good for students of all interest and ability levels and she encourages anyone interested to join the group.
To get involved contact a current member or adviser.