Tyrone’s Adopt a Senior Page Turns Four
Any alumni, teacher, or member of the community can adopt the seniors that are posted on the page.
When COVID-19 hit in March 2020 and seniors around the country were left without proms, graduations, or even goodbyes, online groups sprouted up to do something special for these students.
Most of these groups disbanded or just faded away by 2022 with the end of strict COVID mandates, but Tyrone’s Adopt a Senior Facebook Group is still going strong four years later, thanks in large part to its founder and group administrator Terri Howell.
Howell created the private Facebook group for Tyrone seniors on May 7, 2020, and since then it has grown to 990 members and counting.
“I originally started this group back when COVID first hit but as things returned to semi-normal I kept the site going. I did a vote on the site asking if I should continue it [after the pandemic] and people thought it was a nice idea to celebrate the senior’s achievements,” said Howell.
Howell truly enjoys putting the program together for the community every year.
Through this group, she gets to connect with old friends and meet new ones every year.
“I actually got to see some of my own classmates from 1986, whose kids are now graduating high school. When we have the little get-together up at the park I get to see people I haven’t seen in years. I have also made some new friends in the process,” said Howell.
Seniors and their families are encouraged to post photos of their senior, along with some of their likes and interests to the Facebook page. Families and individuals who “adopt” the senior usually send gift cards and/or put together a basket with some of their favorite treats.
“We have seen many different things, from baskets of their favorite snacks, to gift cards for whatever they need. One boy received a tool kit he was able to use for his future schooling,” said Howell.
Howell even approached local businesses for prizes, which are awarded at an Adopt a Senior event in the summer at Reservoir Park.
Howell plans to continue this program as long as there is community interest because she thinks it is a great way to show appreciation for all the work that seniors put into their education.
“At this point, the group is strictly to celebrate what students have gone through and the last four years of high school. With everything that’s going on in the world today this site actually brings some cheer into people’s lives,” said Howell.
Howell said that it doesn’t matter what the senior’s future plans are, college, workforce, or military; any Tyrone senior is eligible.
In 2020 there were 72 seniors adopted on the site, in 2021 there were 86 seniors. In 2022 there were just 61, but this year the group has seen a big spike in popularity. So far 99 seniors have been posted to the page.
This year’s senior class is one of the largest at Tyrone in several years, with approximately 150 seniors.
“The only restriction is that we will not accept someone who has no connections to the school, the town, the people,” said Howell. “I would love to see this grow and actually get closer to 100% of the senior class posted.”
Tyrone Class of 2023 senior Kairigan Sible is one of the 99 students who has benefited from the page so far this year.
“I really appreciated the people who adopted me and took their time to put everything together,” said Sible.
Any alumni, teacher, or member of the community can adopt the seniors that are posted on the page just by commenting on the senior’s posts. It is a great way to be involved with the community.
“Tyrone residents and alumni are so amazing. Seniors on here are almost adopted as fast as they appear and many are adopted repeatedly,” said Howell.
Senior MacKenzie Hyde said that she was “adopted” almost as soon as her name and photos were posted on the page.
“I appreciate the people who decide to adopt seniors. It shows how much the community cares about the senior class even if they don’t know them personally”, said Hyde.
Howell is constantly impressed by the generosity of the Tyrone community.
”The Tyrone community blows the other adopt a senior program out of the water. I just love how people pull together to support each other,” said Howell. “It’s nice to have something good to see on Facebook and not some of the stuff that is out there.”
To join the group and adopt a senior, click here.

Hello! Riley Lawson is a Senior this year; this is also her third year in Eagle Eye as a staff writer. After high school, Riley plans to go to college...