Alternative Education Class completes mural project
“It’s like leaving a little piece of me here.”
That’s what senior Sierra Goddard had to say about the art project that she and students in the Alternative Education Program recently completed.
The mural was the idea of art teacher Eric Feather and alternative education teacher Ron Fedore. The project was finished around the end of the second marking period.
The teachers first got input from the students on what they would like to do and they worked together to pick a design.
“Each student picked a feather on the eagle and put something that was personal to them. On the other side they had to select a word to put on a leaf that had meaning to them about being successful,” said Fedore.
All the students in alt. ed. program seemed to like the outcome of the project.
“It went awesome sauce, and I would say its pretty important to me,” Goddard added.
“I’ve done mural projects in the past, I thought it’d be a great way to add to the environment in the alt. ed. room and do so in a way that they could keep ownership of it,” said Feather.
“I feel like it was really cool and it went pretty well,” said freshman Stormie Noel,”it took from the beginning of the year, until the end of the second marking period.”
“Mr. Feather and I thought it would be a good project, and we felt it was a good way to have them stay involved,” said Mr. Fedore.
The mural now hangs in the Alternative Education Room above the classroom space.

Hi! My name is Veronika Miller. I am a freshman. This is my first year at Tyrone. I like watching football, baseball and basketball. I also enjoy playing...
Alba • Jun 22, 2018 at 2:28 pm
Inspiring! What material did you use for the mural?