TASD Teachers Bid Farewell to Class of 2019
By Sarah Jackson, Editor in Chief
The Eagle Eye asked members of the senior class to name some teachers that made a lasting impact on their lives, from kindergarten through twelfth grade.
From that long list of teachers we invited one teacher from each grade level to share their favorite memories and/or words of advice for the Class of 2019.
To the Class of 2019: Every teacher interviewed was excited to reminisce and share their memories with you. They all wish the Class of 2019 nothing but pure happiness in the future. These wonderful people have watched you grow, intellectually and physically. They held your hand from grade to grade and they have a couple more things to tell you before you part. Click on each photo below to see the message that they shared with your class:

Kindergarten: Brooke Bock
Mrs. Brooke Bock has impacted many of TASD's students. Her loving and caring personality never seems to amaze her students. She was the first to hold your hand, and she is letting go with these words: "The 2019 class were very hard working, very fun, and very sweet sweet kids. I'm going to give you the same advice that I gave my daughter: be successful and by successful I mean this, it'...

First Grade: Sarah Ciampoli
Teachers are there to help you when you fall and motivate you to keep moving on. Mrs. Ciampoli was there to pick you up and she is still cheering you on: "This class gave me so much laughter-I can remember coming in daily and just laughing with the kids! This class inspired me to start a quote book of some of the classic things that kids say! It is still going to this day! I will hold this sen...

Second Grade: Emily Oakes
Sometimes your teachers become the reason you want to go to school. Their warm personalities keeping you engaged. Mrs. Oakes was the reason you came to school for a full year. Her positive attitude is contagious and she wants you to leave this school with these words: "When I had the senior class it was my first 2nd grade class- they taught me a lot. They had strong personalities, they were ple...

Third Grade: Barbara Elder
Certain teachers become a second family, your classmates become a second family and in your heart they will always be family. Mrs. Elder's 3rd grade class became her family. This is what she had to say about her family: " The 2019 class was very creative and thought outside of the box. They were part of my best years. They worked hard and gave a ton of effort. This class was our last cla...

Fourth Grade: James Koller
Teachers inspire and motivate. They teach you not only to be successful in the classroom but to also be successful in life. Teachers give you lessons in the classroom ans in life, Mr Koller knew just what to say, and this is the last advice he can give you: "They were very hard working and very polite kids. I got to tell them I was taking them to 4th grade from 3rd, and I will never for...

Fifth Grade: Julie Paige (Sharbaugh)
Throughout your years you had teachers who taught your parents and others were just as new as you. Miss. Paige has a few things to say to the second class she had and the second class she will see graduate: "They were a fun loving group. They were my second year of teaching and they never failed to make me smile. I loved all of our field trips together including Penns Cave. Stay positive cla...

Sixth Grade: Scott Bouslough
At TASD teachers are involved in many of the activities that students participate in, even outside of the classroom. Mr. Bouslough has given countless hours of teaching in the classroom and behind the wheel for all of the seniors. He has a couple more tips for the seniors road to success: "The seniors class is very polite and respectful. Watching them mature from 12 yr olds in 6th grade and then...

Seventh Grade: Susan Orlosky
Teachers help you grow up. At certain points in your life, you need a little push to become more responsible and to be a better person. Mrs. Orlosky was everyone's little push. She has made endless amounts of kids become more responsible, and to overall become a better person. She has another piece of advice for you: " The best memory I have of the graduating class is that I had this class for two...

Eighth Grade: Anne Maddox
Some teachers you have no right but to like hem. They make you feel special and find something in everyone to separate you from the rest of the grade. Mrs. Maddox had a special place in her heart for every student and them for her. Even when she is saying goodbye you have a place in her heart: " My best memory of the graduating class is just talking with them in class everyday, they were so soc...

Ninth Grade: Ron Wilson
Mr. Wilson has changed every student he has taught. They became important to him in some way or another. And he had a connection with everyone. This is what he has to say about the class of 2019: "This year’s senior class has a tremendous amount of personality. Many of them have strong opinions and are not afraid to share those opinions. Being able to stand up for yourself and those around you is...

Tenth Grade: Beth Cannastraci
Everyone always praises the students for hard work and dedication they put into their school work. Mrs. Cannastraci puts hard work and dedication into her students. Including the seniors, and while it might have been two years ago, she still wants to put some dedication into the seniors and give them some advice for their future: " I would say the best quality of the class of 2019 is their ability to ...

Eleventh Grade: Stephen Everhart
Teachers jobs are to inspire your creativity. They bring out the best in people. Mr. Everhart gave you all the inspiration and now he has one last thing to say: "In terms of composition, they are one of the most memorable fiction-writing groups I’ve ever taught. Brady Brower, Isaac Woomer, Lizzie Ake, and Reed Keller all produced publication-quality fiction of a complexity and nuance that you...

Twelfth Grade: Cummins McNitt
It's well known that seniors suffer from a strange disease called senioritis. But Mr. McNitt still got through to them. He often gave words of encouragement and words of hope. He also has some last words for the seniors: "The senior class has a sense of humor and that is an important tool in this world- to get along and to not take yourself too seriously. Our conversations were always fun...
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