Stephanie Ramsey
Stephanie Ramsey
Name: Stephanie Ramsey
Grade: 11
How has the pandemic affected your life?
The hardest thing for me to overcome was losing the end of my basketball season. We were in the Elite 8 when everything got shut down. It was hard just having the sport you work so hard towards come to an end unexpectedly. Also, I wasn’t able to see my teammates or friends during the first few months. I was trying to overcome one of the hardest and most frustrating things on my own. Also, even though I’m only a junior, I didn’t get to experience the seniors last year with them. A majority of my classes are senior classes, and I didn’t get a full last year with my best friends, along with the memories we would have made together at school activities.
What have you learned as a result of the pandemic?
I have learned that anything can be taken away from me in the blink of an eye. I now cherish every single game I’m on the court, and I’m so grateful for the opportunities I have. I have also learned how hard school is online. Although my grades weren’t affected, it was hard staying focused and wanting to learn the content since I needed to teach myself.
What worries are you experiencing now? How are you currently coping?
I am worried that things may never get back to normal. It’s hard waking up every day and not knowing what could happen.
What are some positive things that have come out of the pandemic?
Some positive things that came out of this were I got a lot closer with my family and I cherish every small thing now.
What are your hopes for the future?
My hopes for the future are for things to get back to normal and for people to not live in fear.