Senior Trevor Fink built a flag burning pit for his Eagle Scout Project.
Trevor Fink has been a scout for ten years and says that his biggest accomplishment is “Earning my Eagle Scout rank.”
For Fink’s Eagle Scout project, he decided to do something patriotic for the community.
“I chose to build a ceremonial flag burning pit behind the American Legion by Soldiers Park,” said Fink.
This project was one he didn’t see coming. Fink did not have any clue what he wanted to do for his project, but he talked with a legion member and the project took off.
“I ran into a member of the legion and talked about needing a project. He said about how they had lots of flags (600 roughly) that needed proper retirement,” said Fink. “So I began the construction of the flag burning pit.”
His favorite memory of being a scout is staying at the camp for the retreats.
“The trips were always exciting and always offered new experiences and lasting memories,” said Fink.
Being able to carry this title with him, Fink knows it will have a positive impact on his life.
“Being honored in such a small margin of people as it is, a small number of people become Eagle Scouts,” said Fink.
Working this hard for this long, his work has paid off.