Hello! My name is Hannah and I’m (finally) a senior at TAHS. I hope to be writing the swim stories and other student and alumni spotlights. This is my...
January 25, 2018
On her 18th birthday, Demi was introduced to opiates. She reasoned that since doctors prescribed it as medicine, it must be safe to use.
She ended up dropping out in her second year at IUP. Drugs became more important.
She was in and out of rehabs and institutions, but couldn’t find any way to stay clean.
She then discovered heroin and how affordable it was.
“The word hero is in the word heroin. It was the biggest lie that I ever did believe,” said Demi. “I would do anything I could to get my next fix, and then as soon as I got high, I would cry because I didn’t want to do this anymore. I prayed to God to just take me, but it would never happen.”
Eventually, she found herself homeless in Pittsburgh. It was then that she finally had a moment of clarity. A little voice in head kept saying, “You don’t have to do this anymore.”
Hello! My name is Hannah and I’m (finally) a senior at TAHS. I hope to be writing the swim stories and other student and alumni spotlights. This is my...