My name's Carly Crofcheck. I've been in the Tyrone Eagle Eye for four years and I'm a Senior at TAHS. Last year I was the Editor in Chief, this year...
May 3, 2016
Olsson and other women worked on the factory grounds of the Krupp Ammunition Factory as laborers.
The women were showered and their hair was shaved off. They were issued long gray dresses, wooden shoes and one gray blanket. Food was rationed, a normal day’s ration included a slice of dark bread made mainly from sawdust and a cup of watery soup.
Allied forces bombed the factory while they were in the fields. Because of this the women were forced to sleep in a large hole in the ground through the winter. Straw was inside to sleep on, which was rotten because it was also used as a toilet.
They were eventually forced to march to another city.
“We were being moved because the soldiers didn’t want us to be freed,” said Olsson.
On April 15, 1945 at 11 a.m. Olsson along with her prison mates were liberated by British and Canadian soldiers.
Her pursuit of peace, tolerance and equality was born from the horrors of her past.
“Next time you have the urge to say to someone ‘I hate you’ think of a person your age who died because they were hated,” said Olsson.
After the war Olsson moved to Sweden, where she had the opportunity to see what humanity is all about.
“The Swedish didn’t care about your origin or skin color,” said Olsson, “they showed us respect with compassion and tolerance. This is what we must teach our children.”
“I can’t change the past but I’m asking you to help me. Teach your kids to be caring human beings, not to be judgmental, resort to name calling and bullying. There’s no good side to this, no win-win, just lose-lose. But, the most important thing you can teach your children is not to be bystanders, but to be somebody who can make a difference and show we care,” said Olsson.
Eleven million voices were silenced by hate.
My name's Carly Crofcheck. I've been in the Tyrone Eagle Eye for four years and I'm a Senior at TAHS. Last year I was the Editor in Chief, this year...