Ellie Oakes

Keegan Gwinn

Keegan Gwinn

Eagle Eye: How many years have you played basketball?

KG: 12 years.

EE: Why/how did you start playing basketball?

KG: “My mom signed me up at the rec center.”

EE: What is your favorite part of the sport?

KG: “Playing with my friends.”

EE: What is your favorite memory?

KG: “Playing in countless tournaments with friends.”

EE: How has playing impacted your life?

KG: “Taught me to be a part of a team.”

EE: Do you have any superstitions before the games?

KG: “Just sit and get focused and also get a good stretch.”

EE: What was your most memorable game?

JJ: “Holidayburg this year when I had 23 and 17.”

EE: What was a personal achievement that you are most proud of?

KG: “Hollidaysburg game.”

EE: What are your plans after high school?

KG: “Go to Mount Aloysius for nursing and maybe play basketball.”

EE: Advice for future hoopers?

KG: “Work hard you never know when your time will come.”