Keegan Gwinn
Keegan Gwinn
Eagle Eye: When did you start playing football?
Keegan Gwinn: “Five years old.”
EE: Who inspired you as a young athlete to play football?
KG: “My dad”
EE: What positions do you play?
KG: “Quarterback, tight end, linebacker, defensive end, and kicker.”
EE: What is your favorite part about the sport?
KG: “Hitting someone as hard as you can.”
EE: What is your favorite memory of the sport?
KG: “Winning the youth championship in 6th grade.”
EE: What are some of your pre-game rituals?
KG: “Stretch at 6 AM, go to school, wrap my wrists, and write what I’m playing for.”
EE: What other sports do you play?
KG: “Basketball, Track and Field.”
EE: What are your plans after high school?
KG: “Go to Penn State for a Social Studies major.”
EE: Do you have any advice for young athletes who want to play football?
KG: “Love the game when you’re young and stick with it.”
EE: What is your favorite Francoism/saying from Coach Franco?
KG: “#1 – Play every play like its the last play of the state championship
#2 – Discipline – Doing what you’re supposed to do when you’re supposed to do it, every time.”