Emma Getz
Emma Getz
Eagle Eye: How many years have you played basketball?
Emma Getz: 10 years
EE: Why/How did you start playing basketball?
EG: My mom and dad signed me up for the rec center.
EE: What is your favorite part about the sport?
EG: Getting to make new friendships and being able to play with a great group of girls

EE: What is your favorite memory from basketball?
EG: Getting to drive through town after the District 6 Championship with firetrucks and the town supporting us
EE: How has playing basketball impacted your life?
EG: Basketball has taught me how to show leadership, how to work with people, and it has taught me life lessons I’ll have forever.
EE: Did you have any superstitions before games? If so, what were they?
EG: Yes, before every game, all the girls hit the top of the door on the way out. Also, I crack my fingers every game during the National Anthem.
EE: What was your most memorable game?
EG: Winning the District Championship last year vs. Bedford
EE: What is a personal achievement that you are most proud of?
EG: 3-year varsity and a 4-year letter winner
EE: What are your plans for after high school?
EG: I plan to attend college to get my nursing degree and possibly play basketball!
EE: Advice for future basketball players:
EG: Remember there are always other athletes. You must always work hard to be at the best of your ability.