Emma Bartel
Emma Bartel
Eagle Eye: How many years have you been a member of the Cross Country team?
Emma Bartel: 1
EE: Why did you start running Cross Country?
EB: Because I wanted to get better at running
EE: What was your favorite part about the sport?
EB: Letting loose when running
EE: What is your favorite memory from Cross Country?
EB: Taking to Lily before practice
EE: How has running Cross Country impacted your life?
EB: It makes me want to push myself when working out.
EE: What was your favorite thing to eat before a meet?
EB: Coffee and pop tarts
EE: What was your favorite course to run?
EB: Big Valley
EE: What are your plans after high school?
EB: Take a gap year and then go to college to major in animal science
EE: Do you plan to keep running in your free time?
EB: Yes
EE: Advice for future runners:
EB: Stretch, eat healthy, run during the Summer, and do track in the Spring