Elijah Knarr
Name: Elijah Knarr
Grade: 9
How has the pandemic affected your life?
The pandemic has affected my life in many ways. For instance, my father got COVID and he had to isolate in his room. This affected my entire family because we weren’t allowed to interact with him which made us very sad. As a family, we spend a lot of time together and we couldn’t do that with him being isolated. The pandemic also has affected my interaction with my friends. In a lockdown, the only way to interact with my friends was by texting and video games.
What have you learned as a result of the pandemic?
As a result of a pandemic, I learned that social interaction is very important and spending time with family is really important.
What worries are you experiencing now? How are you currently coping?
Currently, I am not experiencing any worries.
What are some positive things that have come out of the pandemic?
A positive that has come out of the pandemic is that I was able to spend more time with family.
What are your hopes for the future?
My hope for the future is that the pandemic is over soon. I also wish to graduate with a good GPA and go to college at Penn State.