Nathan Yon

Stephanie Ramsey and Ian Imler have been two of the most improved cross country runners this season.

Athletes of the Week: Stephanie Ramsey and Ian Imler

November 1, 2019

Stephanie Ramsey


Stephanie Ramsey

Name: Stephanie Ramsey 

Sport: Cross Country

Grade: 10


Stephanie was a key part in the girls cross country team’s success and had a PR at the meet for districts where she took off 2 minutes off her time from earlier in the season when she ran the same course.

Coach Wills Quote:

“This was Stephanie’s forth year running cross country and she continues to be an important and key part of or girls team and their success. Stephanie ran a fantastic race at out district meet where she had a PR and improved her time from her last meet on this course.”

Eagle Eye: How did you first get involved in this sport?

Stephanie Ramsey: “I did running club when I was in elementary school and always did the farthest events when I ran in track and field.”

EE: What other sports do you play?

SR: “Basketball”

EE: Favorite professional sports team?

SR: “Golden State Warriors”

EE: Favorite professional athlete?

SR: “Juqua Parker”

EE: Who is your hero? Why?

SR: “My parents. They support me in everything I do.”

EE: Favorite band/musician?

SR: “Ed Sherran”

EE:  Favorite movie?

SR: “Dumb and Dumber 2″

EE: Favorite food?

SR: “Buffalo Wings”

EE: What advice would you give younger athletes?

SR: “Always give it your all, and put extra time in during the off-season. This is when you develop your skills.”

EE: What are your future goals?

SR: “To play basketball in college and pursue a degree in Engineering.”

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Ian Imler


Ian Imler

Name: Ian Imler

Sport: Cross Country 

Grade: 11


Ian had a PR of 18:29 at their recent meet at the Blair/Huntingdon meet and was the the teams top runner with a 7th place finish out of over 160 boys. 

Coach Wills Quote:

“Ian came into this season recovering from an injury that happened during track season. He was our third/ forth runner over the line at our meets. He worked very hard all season to continue to improve his races and times. That paid off at our recent Blair/Huntingdon meet.” 


Eagle Eye: How did you first get involved in this sport?

Ian Imler: “I started running track in 7th grade, and I thought I could do well in cross country.”

EE: What other sports do you play?

II: “Track”

EE: Favorite professional sports team?

II: “Los Angeles Lakers”

EE: Favorite professional athlete?

II: “Lebron James”

EE: Who is your hero? Why?

II: “My dad, he pushes me to do well everyday and is a great person that I can look up to  and be like one day.”

EE: Favorite band/musician?

II: “Travis Scott”

EE:  Favorite movie?

II: “Waterboy”

EE: Favorite food?

II: “Chicken Alfredo”

EE: What advice would you give younger athletes?

II: “Work smarter, not harder. But, putting in work is the key to success.”

EE: What are your future goals?

II: “Possibly run in college and go to Penn State for kinesiology.”

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