Ashlynn McKinney
Ashlynn McKinney
Name: Ashlynn McKinney
Grade: 10
How has the pandemic affected your life?
In the grand scheme of things, COVID did not particularly affect me that much. I was very fortunate that both of my parents were able to keep their jobs and we did not lose money. In fact, because my dad was an essential worker he had to work many hours in overtime some weeks so we received some extra things from this. I wasn’t exactly thrilled that Tennis season was super rushed and kinda short but I am thankful I was able to have it at all. However, I was very upset over the cancellation of the musical because last year it was also canceled and it is something I thoroughly enjoy.
What have you learned as a result of the pandemic?
The biggest thing I have learned throughout this pandemic is to truly value people and the relationships you hold. I took for granted the time I spent with my friends, grandparents, and even classmates. Now I try my very best to utilize to the fullest the time I spend with them.
What worries are you experiencing now? How are you currently coping?
Honestly, my life isn’t all that bad with the pandemic. I mean, I miss my friends and doing a lot of stuff but mostly I worry about other people. This virus is still around and adapting every day. People are dying and people are suffering, I worry that people will just never recover from this traumatic season in our lives.
What are some positive things that have come out of the pandemic?
I can’t honestly say there were a lot of positive things to come out of this but if I had to think of one I would say that a positive thing was people, kinda, came together. Everyone was affected in one way or another and people were able to make bonds from those shared experiences.
What are your hopes for the future?
My hope for the future is that when things become “back to normal” we don’t go back into the same routine of taking things for granted and forgetting to be appreciative of the things we have. I also hope that future generations do not forget about this and people won’t let this be a lesson unlearned.