High School Student Handbook Undergoes Minor Changes for 2016


While nothing drastic has changed this year regarding the school’s discipline policies, there are a few updates to the TASD student handbook for 2016-2017 that students should be aware of.

According to Dean of Students Luke Rhoades, some changes have been made to the dress code, cell phone, and attendance policies.

The student handbook is pretty solid. It maintains a positive, productive, and safe learning environment

— Dean of Students Luke Rhoades

In response to student requests, the dress code has been altered to allow holes in jeans as long as they are below the fingertips.

Rhoades indicated that cell phones have caused a fair share of problems last year, which has resulted in the policy being changed from relaxed to strict.

Beginning this year a 3rd cell phone violation will result in loss of prom, snowball and parking privileges.

Another area of emphasis for the Dean’s Office this year will be student attendance.

Students with 10 or more unexcused absences will now lose their parking pass for the remainder of the marking period and the privilege to attend prom and snowball. 400 unexcused tardy minutes now counts as one unexcused day.

Rhoades is satisfied with the changes and is looking forward to a good school year.

“The student handbook is pretty solid. It maintains a positive, productive, and safe learning environment,” said Rhoades.

Rhoades also stated that the only foreseeable change to the student handbook is regarding the policy on holes in jeans, but as long as students don’t abuse the rule, it is not likely to change.