D.B. Featuring: Colby Pannebaker

Every week starting tight end and defensive end Duane Boone (a.k.a. D.B.) will interview a key player on the Tyrone Golden Eagles football team.


Photo by Jake Makdad

D.B. chases Colby up a tree.

Tyrone Golden Eagles freshman star lineman # 74 is just outstanding. He’s outstanding not only for getting moved up to vasity as a freshman, but also for starting on the varsity team. Tyrone has always been known for tough and strong lineman. When I line up next to him I’m just amazed on how he does it. For example, when we played Central their entire line were seniors. I watched Colby drive his guy down the field almost every play.

D.B. How do you view football?

Panny: “Like a banana – you get past the peal (practices and 3 a days) get to the good part (the games and fun) and just eat.

D.B.: How is it being the youngest person on the varsity team?

Panny:” it’s just great gives me a lot of people to look up to.”

D.B.: What made you want to start playing football?

Panny: “I always looked up to my older brother, and seeing him play football made me want to play.”

D.B: How does a freshman stay so humbled in a varsity game?

Panny: “I don’t feel like a freshman on the field.”

D.B.: Who’s a main person you look up to on the team?

Panny: “Seth Umholtz because he himself got moved up as a freshman.”

D.B.: Why do you think you got moved up?

Panny: “I don’t know I feel like I was mature enough to play on a varsity level.”