Colton Veres
Name: Colton Veres
Grade: 10
How has the pandemic affected your life?
The pandemic affected my life in many different ways, some in very unexpected ways and not necessarily bad ways either. I’d say when quarantine first began it introduced me to new adventures to get outside more. I figured if the virus was a big deal at the time why not get outside away from people. These new experiences led me to some life-changing things that I’d end up doing again. Also, these adventures to get outside more have led me to new people and friends I could experience with.
What have you learned as a result of the pandemic?
The pandemic really showed the true colors of some people. For example, being scared of something you can’t even see or people not caring and putting people at risk. The pandemic also showed how valuable essential workers are to the public society.
What worries are you experiencing now? How are you currently coping?
Some worries that I am currently facing are fears of Track getting shut down. Last year we never got the full experience and I am looking forward to it this season. Another reason, is older family members getting covid and keeping them safe.
What are some positive things that have come out of the pandemic?
The more positive things through the pandemic were getting more into the wilderness and having a long summer break at the time.
What are your hopes for the future?
My hope for the future is sporting events and the school can get back to normal as soon as possible.