FFA Chapters across the country have dedicated a week in February to prove that FFA is not all about farming. This national organization is meant to teach students about the food and animal industry, along with public speaking and understanding leadership and communication. The week of February 20th is when it all began. The Tyrone Area FFA organized a week in which their peers could celebrate the existence of the National FFA Organization.
Tyrone Area FFA chapter kicked off their celebration with a snack bar for all teachers, administrators and personnel staff during the in-service session on February 17. On Tuesday, February 21st students wore their camouflaged apparel to appreciate our hunters and agriculturalists who have been providing the food, fiber and natural resources to human survival.
On Wednesday the 22nd, FFA members wore their Tyrone Area FFA t-shirts. David Conrad represented the chapter at Meet Your State Officer at HOSS’s in Huntingdon.
“It was fun and I got to meet other members from the Huntingdon chapter,” said Conrad.
Thursday, Febuary 23rd was Greenhand Degree day. The Introduction to Agricultural, Fiber and Natural Resource class of freshman were invited to play FFA Trivia via Kahoot on their Chromebooks. All classes celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the Smith-Hughes Act and how it provides funding for vocational education program, like agricultural education to be in high schools.
Flannel Friday became the last day for students to participate in FFA week. All Agricultural Education courses celebrated the final day with FFA Bowling, Cookie Challenge, Doughnut Consumption and musical chairs.
“I found this day to be rewarding – students learned teamwork and sportsmanship. Sometimes taking a break from the intense curriculum allows for life skills to be brought forth,” replied Mrs. Hoy.
The chapter is now onto their annual awards ceremony to have even a greater celebration on the accomplishments of the chapter over the past year. Come join them on March 30 at the high school cafeteria. Doors open at 6:30 PM with light refreshments. Ceremony starts at 7:00 PM sharp.