Cafeteria worker Beverly Riggleman to retire at the end of 2014-2015 school year


Makayla Mccloskey

Beverly Riggleman

After six years of service to the Tyrone Area School District, cafeteria food service worker Beverly Riggleman will retire at the end of this school year.

“I feel wonderful about retiring but I’m going to miss the students, they were fun and made me feel young,” said Riggleman.

According to Riggleman, one of most important things she learned from her work at Tyrone High School is that despite the negative stereotypes of teenagers, “most people are thoughtful.”

Riggleman is looking forward to retirement but enjoyed her time working in the Tyrone High School cafeteria.  She enjoyed having the weekends off, the students, and the convenient working schedule. Her advice to her replacement is to “just to enjoy the job.” Riggleman also said “The kitchen could use some more organization and this is what I would like to see in the future.”

One of her favorite memories about this job was when she was off work due to illness, her coworkers from the kitchen bought her a beautiful flower basket.

In her retirement Riggleman plans to go camping, read, and spend more time with her grandchildren.

I feel wonderful about retiring but I’m going to miss the students, they were fun and made me feel young

— Beverly Riggleman