Featured Fiction: The Plague S:1 E:3

Nobody Gets Left Behind


Chapter 3

Hailey, Lance, Jamal, William, and I are huddled around a fire we made in Shawn’s backyard, wondering what the future may hold for us. Shawn and Kenny are asleep in the house.

“What do we want to do?” William asks, “We can’t stay here and Shawn only has one arm left.”

“We can’t just leave him here either.” I say, “Will, we’ve been through his problem, his parents died while they were at work and he was left alone. The only difference between his story and ours is that we had each other. He has nobody but us, and without an arm he’s going to need all the help he can get. Heck, he was right handed! Now he has to relearn how to do everything with his left hand.” I say.

“Ryan’s right, we can’t just leave him for dead, he still has a chance.” Hailey pitched in.

“Okay, What about supplies? Painkillers? Bedding? What about those things?” William asked.

“We’ll go on runs” Lance said, “We’ll take turns going out for a day or two gathering materials and things we need.” Everyone stops and thinks before William agrees.

“Ok, that works. But what should we do about Shawn? he can’t do things on his own right now and he’ll need someone left handed to learn from and nobody here is left handed.”

“Yeah… ” Lance said, puzzled.

“Well, how did the first humans learn how to do things? they didn’t have anybody to tell them anything. We need to do this again and Shawn isn’t any exception.” I say. There’s a long pause before William decides to say something.

“Ok, we’ll leave in the morning” William says. he then leaves to go back into the house without another word.

“That went better than you planned. Didn’t it?” Hailey asks.

“Yeah, we better get to sleep too” I say. She agrees. We snuff out the fire and go inside to sleep.

Once we wake up we all decide to just pile into the truck with Shawn and I in the bed of the truck. William is driving with Jamal at his side, Hailey, Lance, and Kenny in the back.

William went to turn the key in the ignition and nothing happened.

The Truck wouldn’t start.

“William! What’s going on!?” I scream.

“The Truck’s Out of gas!” William says. Everybody except Shawn, gets out to talk about what we’re going to do next.

“What should we do?” Lance asks.

“We can’t stay here.” Hailey says, “And Shawn can’t do things on his own yet.”

“He can still walk.” Kenny says.

“Walk…” I say to myself.

“What?” Jamal Asks.

“Walking, We can walk there.” I say.

“It’s too long a walk, it’d take days.” William points out.

“We need to do something. If we stay here the Zombies will get to us.” I say.

“But if we walk we’ll have to go back and forth between the truck and there for days on end to get the rest of our supplies.” Hailey says.

“But it’s the best we have”  I say, “Also, if we stay here we run the risk of getting cornered.”

“Ryan’s right.” Jamal agrees, “We should try to get going, we only have a few hours to start going too.”

“We really don’t have a choice do we?” William asks.

“What do you mean?” Lance asks.

William says, “Ryan made a good point, If we stay, we’ll more than likely get cornered, at least if where out there we can split up and regroup later”

“Right,” Kenny says, “We should get going”.

And with that, we start our day or two walk to Bilger’s Rocks, with whatever supplies we can carry.